Donating to Curadis

Monetary Donations via PayPal/Bank Transfer

Curadis is headquartered in Antwerp, Belgium, where it is registered as a legal non-profit organization in Belgium (IBAN: BE87734041379094 • BIC: KREDBEBB). Curadis has recently opened a United States headquarter, where we are currently going through the process to become a legal non-profit organization in there as well. For now, any company, person or entity can feel safe and secure donating directly to the legal non-profit Belgian headquarters via the link below; we will update the website as soon as the US legal paperwork arrives!

Curadis is a non-profit organization with the aim to exchange experience and knowledge about the diagnosis and treatment of swallowing disorders between Europe, The United States and Latin America. Curadis provides volunteer outreach, education, diagnostics and treatment to communities in need throughout Latin America on a fully pro-bono basis. We are currently working on projects in Brazil, Chile and Costa Rica and we are always adding more projects. We are a small team of passionate healthcare workers who simply seek to help those in need. As humans, we are all able to constantly grow and learn, and Curadis is our ability to achieve our personal goal of giving back to the various communities who are in need. Curadis volunteers do not receive any funds or payment in any way for their services.

As such, to be able to maintain our work and organize our projects we depend on donations, no matter the amount. We are always looking for supporters and companies who can help our organization, monetarily or with any resources or materials. All small and generous donations are very welcome and can be made by Paypal or bank transfer. Anything can and will help our joint cause of helping those in need.

Use this link to donate to Curadis via PayPal directly. Thank you again!

Materials and Resources

Because Curadis is a non-profit charity foundation that works on a volunteer/pro-bono basis, we are always in need of any materials or resources you or your facility/company may have. We work primarily with Swallowing Disorders/Dysphagia and always have need of any material or equipment to be used with the functional diagnostics and treatment of these disorders. As you can imagine, when we are out of our modern cities, we do not have immediate access to gloves, endosheaths, IOPI bulbs, tongue depressors, cold packs, glycerin swabs, laryngeal mirrors, Pulse Oximeters, NMES units, Dysphagia diagnostic/treatment tools, etc. We cannot stress how much anything can help our cause of providing help to those in need. We will happily take any materials or resources you or your facility/company may have and put them to great use! Please contact if you are looking to donate any materials or resources. In many cases, we are more than happy to help with the shipping cost.